Sunday, September 4, 2011

Video: How is toilet paper made?

Are you a bit bored today?
Well, you must be if you landed here in search for the answer to the query "how is toilet paper made?" Ha-ha!
Actually, after watching the video about the massive production of bunghole wipes, I can say that it was at least semi-interesting to see mass production in full swing. I've read somewhere that the average person uses 50lbs. of toilet tissue per year and, of course, that figure may be higher in America since overeating seems to be on the rise.

...But before I post the video, I'll drop down a humorous image for your enjoyment:

Oh, my god... I'm out of bunghole paper!It seems that this guy is out of toilet paper! Ha! I would have gave an image credit to this funny pic, but I found it on some random blogspot blog, so I don't have a link to the original source. Anyway, it seems that the moral of this toilet-based depiction, at least to me, is that lazy people never seem to replenish the roll and typically only stupid people take a dump while setting next to an empty toilet paper dispenser, etc. LOL!
Okay, now back to the point of this silly blog post...

Video located below: How is toilet paper made?

[Video is no longer available]

You know, a person once told me that you don't want to know what all they put in toilet paper. But after watching that video, I can only assume the "pulp" grossed him out during the early stages of production. It looks like a bunch of recycled paper that was being used, but who knows what all was mixed in with it...

I have noticed, on occasions, that cheap toilet tissue seems to have an odd smell to it. Then again, who cares because it is not like you're going to be eating it. Oops! Scratch that! I just now recall reading about a woman who has been eating toilet paper since she was in the 6th Grade... Yikes! Check out this video from Discovery Channel's "My Strange Addictions," if you want to see it for yourself: [URL is no longer valid]

Related Link: "Forum Philosophy - Toilet Paper for the Weak..." [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 2 of this post, below...]

Recent Video Posts: "If 'Heaven' really exists, would it be boring?," and "How to make Beer Battered Onion Rings."

---End of Post "Video: How is toilet paper made?"

Part 2: "Forum Philosophy – Toilet Paper for the Weak…"

Original Post Date: 5-1-2010

This post is dedicated to all of the sissy crybabies found at online forums within certain community sites on the web.  Yes, the folks who are extremely sensitive and try to get people banned for so-called “personal attacks” if you decide to confront them, disagree with them, and display too much of something called wits & intelligence.  Fun-fun!
Toilet Paper for the Weak...

Toilet paper is a soft paper product (also known as tissue paper) used to maintain personal hygiene after human waste release – due to bowel movements, dung release, fecal fling out, defecation, piss and/or urination! It can also be used for other purposes such as absorbing spillages or even semen, for that matter. Its origin dates back as far as 1862, but one can only hope the “Homo erectus” at least used tree leaves! It differs in composition somewhat from facial tissue…not to misconstrue as a “facial” that is often known within the porn industry, but most toilet paper is designed to decompose in septic tanks.

The Homo sapiens currently use this form of “toilet tissue” in abundance, mostly due to overeating, along with rampant outbreaks of violent diarrhea, and whatnot… Ha-ha!

The lesson: One must know these things when entering online forums, as you better be equipped with moist wipes and toilet tissues or else you might get banned or something… There is definitely a lot of “sensitive” weak individuals out there…so moist wipes need be applied!

—End of Forum Philosophy 101

Update (12-10-24): I was just going over several of my blogs to check for broken links, etc., and I will occasionally make edits, updates, additional comments, etc. Anyway, when I stumbled upon this silly post, I couldn't help but think how I had no idea that the next decade (after originally writing this nonsensical post) would bring toilet paper madness for a multitude of months. 

Shortly after the Covid-19 crap started (the early part of 2020 - maybe around March of that year is when it picked up), people were panicking all over America and wiping out all the toilet paper supplies across the nation. You would walk into a store and all the ass wipery was gone! At one time, stores were putting limits on toilet paper. Obviously, that didn't work, as these crazed lunatics would just keep coming in or get each member of the family to buy toilet paper seemingly every freakin' day! It was nuts! I would hear some people say how they had entire rooms filled with toilet paper and was actually proud of that fact! OMG! If there really was a survival situation or reason for panic, I think toilet paper is one of the last things I'd be worried about when it comes to stocking up! I used to make a joke about some of these people and say that, "Yeah, they really got this survival stuff figured out. I guess they are going to eat all that toilet paper, and it is going to wipe their asses on the way out. Ha!" Anyway, I think the whole "toilet paper panic" eventually settled down sometime during the year 2021. 
---End of Update

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